2. Assessment¶
This week I worked on documenting a project that included coding.
Project Description¶
Game Design: Pinball Machine I made an arcade game that included coding with arduino and micro:bit Makecode. I used makecode block programming for keeping score and playing the Emperial March after loosing all balls in a players turn. I used the arduino to code a servo motor and LED strip. It was a fun project to do to help me practice syntax and block coding in a project. There were also many challenges, I wanted the microbit to automatically detect a dead ball and keep score automaticall, but I could not get the pin to read when hit by the steel ball. I also tried with a photoresistor, to detect darkness as a dead ball, but it would count when I leaned over the machine and my shadow created darkeness. This is something I could keep working on.
More pictures and code can be found in this slideshow https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1US0LFPE5V16kl65XDJClB_oX1dxMzohjQ74dioI-UOM/edit?usp=sharing
Example video¶
1. When you design a learning activity how do you take into account diversity? Could you describe one learning situation in which you did not take into account diversity in planning? How did you solved the situation?¶
Personalization allows me to take diversity into account in most projects/activities. While my planning does not usually have specific activities based on culturally diverse topics, I want my students to be able to express themselves as often as possible. Some PBLs are content specific so their products cannot be personal. To help students feel like they belong, we always let them choose their teammates. I sponsor an all girls makers club after school to provide a space where girls feel safe, seen, and special.
2. What aspects would you need to take into consideration if you have kids with a) learning disabilities, b) physical disabilities, c)emotional disabilities when preparing your DF activities¶
A. Learning Disabilities: Considerations vary greatly depending on the learning disability. I would pair students with a buddy who can help them acheive the goals of the project. I want students to be as independent as possible. B. Physical Disabilities: I would think the primary consideration is access. Can students reach tools/machines, can they move in the room safely (are tables seperated to allow for a wheelchair), etc. Because our lab does not necessarily meet all these conditions I would pair students in a way that a buddy could gather all the materials if necessary. Our computers do not currently have speakers, so a student with limited eyesight would need someone to read and describe the screens C. Emotional Disabilities: Emotional diabilities are challenging because it can impair the relationships necessary to be successful in a group. I let students self-select groups, so they can work with people they feel comfortable with. Some students who are uncomforable with loud noices find it helpful to wear earbuds or ear muffs in our potentially very loud environment. I also try to do small group workshops to relieve some anxiety issues.
3. How do you usually assess learning activities which involve digital fabrication? Which is your favourite method? What aspects do you think you can change in your assessment practices?¶
In our lab the assessment is done in 2 main ways, FabFolio and PBL rubrics.
The work done for PBLs assess the content learned during the project and NOT the products made specifically. The projects should show what the students learned, but are not assessed on how superficial factors like attractiveness, etc. Generall students put a lot work into aesthetics simply because their projects will be presented in front of peers, business partners, and other stakeholders.
FabFolio is our online skills assessment tool. This is where students document their progress in technical and essential skills. Each skill has a list of criteria and students take pictures, write, make videos, etc that demonstrates each of the criterion. An example of a technical skill would be solding. The picture below shows the criteria and images a student submitted to earn that micro-credential.
4. What could be the challenges when integrating programming in your classes?¶
There are 2 main challenges - time and resources. If programming isn’t the main point of the project, students may not have the background knowledge to code a successful project. I have strarted having students ask AI to write their code for using Arduino in their project. It has been amazingly successful. The challenge with resources is that many students feel comfortable with block coding micro:bits, however, we don’t have the funds for students to keep their projects that use a micro:bit. Our solution is that for school projects the students “check-out” a micro:bit and the return it after their presentations.