Module 3. Week 1.¶
Diversity and collaboration¶
I have developed a learning model for resistors connected in series. Three 1kOhm resistors are connected in series and a LED is connected behind them. The model is powered by a 9 V battery. There are three different contacts to which the resistors are soldered and which can be controlled by the battery. The contacts are made from soldering pins nailed to a small (10 x 10 cm) wooden board. The Students are supposed to measure the current and draw a conclusion from their values.
Reflection Questions¶
1. What are the challenges of using electronics in your space? How can you design an activity using electronics that takes into accounts your children age and cultural backgrounds?¶
The challenges of working with electronics are always first and foremost the material.There are very simplified materials for learning with electronics such as Makeay MakeyThere are very simplified materials for learning with electronics such as Makey MakeyThere are very simplified materials for learning with electronics such as Makey Makey. Soldering irons are often needed, but here too you can help yourself out with bread boards.
The learning activities should always be adapted to the age of the learners. The activity should develop basic principles of electronics, so little prior knowledge or cultural background is necessary.
However, another example, which is built with the Arduino, shows how important the background can be. A traffic light is often built with the Arduino. This shows, for example, which of the students already has a driver’s license, because you need knowledge of the different traffic light phases. Whether you live in an urban or rural area also plays a role, for example for pedestrian traffic lights. Some students from rural areas rarely have to deal with pedestrian lights with push buttons.
2. Explain one successful educational activity in which you collaborated with other educators. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working with other educators? What are the main aspects to take into account to prepare an education activity among 2 or more educators?¶
I have prepared several acitivites with other teachers, where we prepared chemical experiments. The main issue here is to agree on goals regarding what is to be learnt from the activity and also regarding what time the single activities take. This takes up a lot of time for discussion, but it also makes sure everyting is thought through properly. The preaparation of the materials is much shortened, because the more people work on it, the faster it goes.
3. How could you integrate both culturally reflective learning and digital fabrication in your environment? Could you come up with some project ideas using digital fabrication in which cultural diversity of students is highlighted?¶
For our Europatag (Europe Day), I plan to have the students design a cultural object or landmark of their home country or a place they find interesting in 3D. The students should focus on the cultural characteristics of the object and what role they play in the respective culture. Afterwards, the students should make a presentation about their object and present this culture to the other students.