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2.3 Curriculum Alignment and 3D Printing

Rembering the DF Continuum Model in the Classroom: 1. For Kids (Module 1). Adding a custom made teaching item to lessons. 2. With Kids (Module 2). Non tech. learning objectives. Think about tech. literacy of students. Scaffolding framework. Comfort with equiptment and co-teachers available to help.
3. By Kids (Modules 3 & 4)

Creating a Teacher Portfolio

Document that states your teaching philosophy, strengths and weaknesses as well as reflections of lessons and techniques.

  • Teaching Philsophy Statement
  • Summary of Educational Activities
  • Vision of Teaching and Learning
  • Strategies and Methodolgies / Assessing Learning
  • Implementation of the Philosophy (ie. What does it look like in front of students?)
  • Reflect - How are you planning to grow, professionally. How are you planning on evaluating and documenting that growth?

  • Support Materials

  • How others (adults and students) evaluate/provide feedback on your work.
  • Workshops and Professional Development

  • Teaching Materials and e-portfolio:

  • Course/Grade you Teach - Syllabi
    • Objectives
    • Goals
    • Assessment Criteria
  • Learning Activities:
    • Pre-teaching
    • Activity
    • Post-activity
    • Student self-assessment
  • Personal Reflection on Learning Activities:
    • What went well? What went wrong?
    • How could the activity be improved?

Keep it up to date! Journal your success and failures!

The Assignment

Create something using the 3D printer

The Outcome

A Desk Caddy


  1. I will use the fabricated desk caddy on my desk at school.
  2. Students could make something similar or they could fabricate an item that woul connect with their topics of study.
  3. I have some of the elements of an educational portfolio but do not keep it current with comments on lessons, etc. Finding a user-friendly, web-based platform that can store these items digitally would be helpful. A motivating factor would be if others on my staff used them and they were actively used in teaching and reflecting/gathering feedback on your work.