# Module 04

# Makerspaces in schools and beyond the classroom

Connecting Classrooms and communities around the world

FLA Schedule

This module explores the integration of multidisciplinary content and computational thinking through educational projects that use electronics to interact with the real world. Educators learn to configure and use simple educational development boards in their projects. As part of a global vision of education, participants reflect on how the activities can have a real impact in the society, by fostering collaborative partnerships with local communities. Finally, participants receive practical tips on how to effectively integrate and administer learning spaces in schools.

# Topics


  • Computation and system thinking
  • Cocreation - Codesign methodologies


  • Introduction to development boards. Inputs and ouputs
  • Connecting devices: communication


  • Content integration and multidisciplinarity
  • Making impact
  • Creation & administration of makerspace in school.