# Field Activity

# Interdisciplinary work in Physical computing

# Description

For this Field Activity, need to create a lesson plan involving robotics, physical computing or programming and test it in real educational environment. The lesson plan should include certain aspect of interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity. Hence, this time, you need to collaborate with a teacher from another subject at some point (either during design or implementation phase or both). The teacher can be from the same school, from other school, or even another FLA participant, but the important aspect is that you must collaborate with someone from a different discipline.

Take into account that the learning objectives and the assessment criteria covers different subjects / knowledge areas.

As an extra challenge you may try to collaborate with another FLA student that is not in the same school. If you succeed some of the projects might be presented in Fab25 at Czech Republic.

# Steps

  1. Choose an activity OR Develop your own activity
  2. Develop and test the electronics / programming part of the lesson
  3. Set learning objectives.
  4. Integrate the electronics/programming activity into a lesson plan
  5. Develop the Assessment protocol for the lesson plan
  6. Develop the lesson plan using the SCOPES template
  7. Test your lesson plan to receive feedback.
  8. Answer the Reflection Questions.
  9. Post your lesson to the SCOPES website.
  10. Update your learning diary website

# Instructions and Assessment

Step by Step Instructions for the Field Activity (with the assessment rubric) are Here (opens new window)

Step by Step Instructions on How to setup a SCOPESdf account are here. (opens new window)