# Field Activity
# Electronics & Programming: Collaboration and Assessment
# Description
For this Field Activity, you will design (or adapt) an electronics or programming-based lesson plan, (possibly) collaborate with another teacher, design the assessment, and test the lesson to receive feedback. Your lesson plan must include electronics components and/or basic programming elements.
This time you can adapt or reuse one of the lesson plans available (see below). It is important that you adapt the lesson plan to your own context, modifying if needed the learning goals.
In this field activity one key aspect is the assessment protocol. You need to consider assessment part carefully, providing adequate rubrics and methodologies. You must reflect also on how the assessment work in your website.
In addition, you can execute the lesson plan in 3 different ways. Depending on the chosen option you can take different type of feedback.
- Test your lesson plan with learners either in your classroom or in another setting. Feedback is given by students and your own observations.
- Test your lesson plan with a colleague or another FLA participant. Ask for written feedback on the lesson plan. No need to execute in a learning environment.
- Test your lesson plan with an AI. No need to execute the lesson plan with kids or colleagues. Try to get maximum feedback from the AI. In this case, it is important that you create a conversation with the AI, and try to get most of it. Just saying: please, evaluate this lesson plan, is not enough.
# Lesson Plan examples.
List of lesson plans (opens new window)
# Steps
- Choose an activity OR Develop your own activity
- Develop and test the electronics / programming part of the lesson
- Set learning objectives.
- Integrate the electronics/programming activity into a lesson plan
- Develop the Assessment protocol for the lesson plan
- Develop the lesson plan using the SCOPES template
- Test your lesson plan to receive feedback.
- Answer the Reflection Questions.
- Post your lesson to the SCOPES website.
- Update your learning diary website
# Instructions and Assessment
Step by Step Instructions for the Field Activity (with the assessment rubric) are Here (opens new window)
Step by Step Instructions on How to setup a SCOPESdf account are here. (opens new window)