# Module 01

# The Possibilities of Digital Fabrication in K-12 Education

Create learning tools using digital fabrication

FLA Schedule

This introductory module lays the groundwork for educators seeking to integrate maker practices and digital fabrication processes into educational environments. Participating educators explore the maker mindset, understand its impact in education and examine different learning theories that support these practices.

# Module in a nutshell


  • Maker Mindset
  • TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) vs FLA Educational Model
  • Constructionism theory
  • Socio emotional learning


  • Overview of Maker Movement
  • 2D design
  • First steps in digital fabrication: Vinyl Cutting and Laser Cutting)


  • Digital Fabrication for kids.
  • Structuring a project using design process model

# Content

# Week 1


  • Overview of the Maker Movement
  • Maker mindset in education
  • Teaching through digital fabrication . TPACK.
  • FLA education model


  • Digital fabrication in learning environments. Opportunities

Asynchronous content and work in participants' Fab Labs

  • Examples of digital fabrication activities for kids
  • Live presentation of different digital fabrication processes


  • Setup the FLA environment
  • Create an introduction video

# Week 2


  • Digital fabrication for/with kids continuum
  • Design process models
  • Designing FOR kids: physicalizing hard concepts
  • Using vinyl cutting in educational environments


  • Definition of learning outcomes in Digital Fabrication activities.
  • Transversal skills

Asynchronous content and work in participants' Fab Labs

  • Learning outcomes: content vs horizontal competences
  • 2D design. Introduction to Vector Graphics.
  • Using the vinyl cutter. Heat transfer.


  • Design a cut a sticker in the vinyl cutter.

# Week 3


  • Pedagogical theories supporting digital fabrication in education. Constructionism.
  • Teachers reflective practices
  • Socio emotional learning and horizontal competences
  • Using laser cutter in educational environments


  • Educational activities developing social/emotional learning using digital fabrication.

Asynchronous content and work in participants' Fab Labs

  • Creating a lesson plan.
  • Examples of laser cutter projects in a classroom
  • Advanced concepts in 2D design for digital fabrication
  • Using the laser cutter. Setting up and understanding parameters.


  • Design and cut with the laser cutter an object that can be used in your classroom.

# Field activity

  • Fabricate an object that you can use to support your class using the digital fabrication processes that you have learnt in this module. Create a lesson plan in which the fabricated object is included and where the learning outcomes include at least a set of horizontal competences.