# Module 3. Week 2.

# Assessment

# Summary and core material

# Assignment


Design and implement a simple game or quiz using a block programming language. Ideally the game / quiz can be used in your classroom but it is not a mandatory requirements. If you feel comfortable using another programming language feel free to use it.

You can take one tutorial/example from internet but you should make some changes to it

You have to build and test the program carefully either in your computer or in a mobile phone.

You can use physical computing (e.g. Arduino, Microbit or other embedded platform). However, we will cover this topic in Module 4, so we strongly recommend use a different platform this week.

# OPTION 2: Absolute beginners

Build a simple story using Scratch. You can use some of the tutorial examples.

# Documentation

In your documentation, describe briefly your game/quiz and the programming platform you have used. Discuss about your main challenges.

In addition, you should provide the source code (as a file or a link that can be opened by anyone) and several screenshots of your application. If possible, a video is a great way of documenting your project.

Finally, please, answer following reflection questions:

  1. When you design a learning activity how do you take into account diversity? Could you describe one learning situation in which you did not take into account diversity in planning? How did you solved the situation?

  2. What aspects would you need to take into consideration if you have kids with a) learning disabilities, b) physical disabilities, c)emotional disabilities when preparing your DF activities

  3. How do you usually assess learning activities which involve digital fabrication? Which is your favourite method? What aspects do you think you can change in your assessment practices?

  4. What could be the challenges when integrating programming in your classes?

# Tasks in the Fab Lab

  1. Have a look to any of the block programming tutorials suggested below
  2. Explore principles of programming with your instructor
  3. Program a simple example application using a block programming language.

# Asynchronous content

# Assessment examples

More will come soon.

# Programming environments

# Technical guides and tutorials

# Basic Tutorials for programming environments

# Tutorials and info for different programming environments



# Programming basics tutorial

Sequential Programming tutorial


Control Flow Structures

# Additional material and support content