# Becoming an FLA Node

FabLabs, Makerspaces, Schools and any educational environment using digital fabrication can become a FLA Learning Node.

Learning Nodes provide the equipment, tools, technologies, materials, and hands-on technical training for participating teachers in Fab Learning Academy.

Register your Learning Node here (opens new window).

Applications for Nodes close in May 31st 2024.

# Detailed Responsibilities

  • Weekly Prep-meeting. Nodes participate in the weekly prep-meeting, ensuring they are ready to support local educational activities, coordinate with the Coordination Hub, and provide valuable insights.

  • Coordination Hub & Nodes Meetings - Deltas Updates. Nodes actively engage in coordination meetings, sharing updates, feedback, and ensuring that information flows between the Coordination Hub, other Learning Nodes, and participants.

  • Infrastructure. Nodes are responsible for managing and granting access to the infrastructure within their Fab Labs.

  • Local Support - Workshops, Fabrication Weekly Tasks. Nodes provide local support to participants, including organizing and facilitating workshops and weekly fabrication tasks. They ensure that participants have access to hands-on experience with digital fabrication tools and technologies.

  • Employee (FD Expert) - FLA Instructor. Nodes employ Fabrication and Design experts who also serve as instructors within the FLA. These experts are responsible for guiding participants in their learning journey.

  • Materials - FLA Inventory. Nodes manage the inventory of materials required for participants' practical activities. They ensure that participants have access to the necessary tools and materials.

# Requirements

# General Requirements

  • Internet connection (at least 1mb upload/download).
  • A common space for students to work.
  • Access to the fabrication facilities (min. of 3 hrs per week).
  • Qualified staff (min. 3hrs week min).
  • All the equipment and materials listed in the FLA Inventory. (50 euros per students + machines)

# Qualified Staff

To offer the Fab Learning Academy program in your Lab you need an experienced Instructor.

Nodes have run the Fab Academy more than once, so they have a local Instructor (with more than 2 years teaching digital fabrication fundamentals) or a local Guru (Instructors who have shown mastery of the broad range of digital fabrication process and have earned the respect of their peers through their years of service to the maker movement).

  • One local instructor per 8 participating teachers
  • Local Instructor must be a graduate of Fab Academy (opens new window) or have comparable training
  • Local instructors must be available for participant support
  • Must attend weekly planning meeting with global committee

# Equipment & Supplies

To be able to become a Fab Learning Academy Node, Fab Lab / Makerspace must have all the machines and materials listed in the FLA Inventory (opens new window).

Required technologies:

  • 3D Printer(s)
  • Laser Cutter
  • Vinyl Cutter
  • CNC mill
  • Electronic Components
  • Soldering station
  • Work tables, internet connection, sink

# Nodes Application Process

To be able to run Fab Learning Academy, a Learning Node must participate in all levels of the Fab Learning Academy Operations and Processes.

Nodes Applications

Fab Labs, Schools or Makerspaces undergo an application process to be able to become FLA Nodes or Educational Hubs. Fab Labs or maker spaces must follow the procedure and respond to coordination in a timely manner.

  • All Fab Labs fill out a form to become a FLA NODE
  • Applications will be reviewed by the Executive Committee in order to assess their suitability to offer the program > Application does not mean Acceptance automatically.
  • Fab Labs, Schools or Maker spaces will receive written confirmation of participation and will be added to the listed of active Nodes on the website and the student's application form.

Students / Participants Applications

Once the Fab Lab is accepted and confirmed as an active Node for the current Fab Learning Academy year, it must follow the students application process:

Prospective students apply to the online form. Coordination receives note and resends the profile to the Node selected by the Applicant.

Nodes/Instructors must:

  • Contact the applicant as soon as possible to give applicants details about the lab and the implications of taking a course such as Fab Learning Academy. IMPORTANT: mention dedication required.
  • Highly recommendable: to have an interview with all applicants before they join the course, this way nodes understand their background and their expectations. Nodes are responsible to keep their students informed about procedures.
  • Nodes must inform Coordination if the applicant is accepted or not. Application - Acceptance - Deposit cycles are 1 month long, so feedback must be continuous.
  • Once Nodes accepts/declines applications, Coordination will send acceptance (or rejection) letters with payment instructions to all applicants.
  • Acceptance letters will be sent periodically

Contact the Fab Learning Academy Executive Board

  • email FLA@fabfoundation.org for more information on registering as a Local Node